Caio Medeiros -
UI/UX Designer & Front-end Developer

Hi there! I'm a UI/UX designer and front-end developer originally from Brazil and currently based in Portugal. With over three years of experience in freelance work, I am committed to delivering outstanding digital experiences. I strongly believe that the combination of aesthetics and usability is essential in creating websites and web apps that truly stand out. My goal is to bring both beauty and functionality to every project I undertake.

As a freelancer, I am fueled by my passion for collaboration and my eagerness to work with diverse teams and individuals. I am dedicated to turning ideas into reality. If you are searching for a UI/UX designer and front-end developer who can take your project or business to the next level, let's connect! Together, we can create something amazing that resonates with users and exceeds expectations.

Technologies that I work with:






3D image of Caio Medeiros